LOVE is______
愛是微風 愛是詩集 愛是金色陽光 愛是布料上的暗花 愛是探戈 愛是回音 愛是獨白 愛是彈簧 愛是沼澤愛是鋸弓 愛是失語症 愛是原點 愛是自辯 愛是深呼吸 愛是待續 愛是恰如其分 愛是一條線
當代首飾對於創作者來說是傳遞情感與訴說故事的媒介,PIN sstudio發出了疑問「愛是…」,
是次展覧是由台灣高雄的當代首飾工作室PIN sstudio策展, 並 巡迴四個城市展出。香港站分別在Ame Gallery, Obellery contemporary jewellery studio 和香港三間誠品書店展出。希望從此接觸到不同層面的觀衆對當代首飾與器物產生好奇及與趣。
Love is a breeze, love is a poem, love is a drop of golden sun, love is a subtle intricate fabric pattern, love is a tango, love is an echo, love is a monologue, love is a spring, love is a swamp. Love is a bow-saw, love is aphasia, love is true origin, love is self-defence, love is a deep breath, love is to be continued, love is in its right place, love is a continuing line.
We have all heard of the many faces of love. Every person has his or her interpretation of love, but love is formless and not limited to a single description. Each individual has the right to interpret love, to love and be loved. Love not only makes us pure and unpretentious, it lets us overcome our emotional detachment and become strong and confident.
To my family, my friends, my lover and myself.
Jewelry plays a significant part in many of the important occasions throughout our lives. It becomes an object of affection to express our love for one another. Parents gift their children with gold chains on their full moon celebrations. People gift their loved ones necklaces as tokens of love. Lovers enter a new phase of life by committing to each other through an engagement ring and it passes on a precious family heirloom.
Contemporary jewelry becomes an important medium for artists to tell their stories of love. In this special month that celebrates love and hope, PIN sstudio has invited 32 renowned contemporary jewelry artists to join hands and tell their stories of love by exploring the question ‘Love is…’ through the medium of contemporary jewelry.
This special exhibition is organised by Kaohsiung (Taiwan) based PIN sstudio and is a partnership with local studios in four cities. The Hong Kong exhibition is co-hosted by Ame Gallery, Obellery contemporary jewellery studio and Eslite Hong Kong. We hope by reaching out to different audiences, we can help promote interest and build awareness of contemporary jewelry.
Ame Gallery – artisan contemporary jewewellery
週二~週六 13:00 – 20:00
查詢電話:3564 8066 Email: info@ame-gallery.com
Obellery contemporary jewellery studio
中環鴨巴甸街35号PMQ H311店
週一~週日 11:00 – 20:00
查詢電話:2155 2149 Email: info@obellery.com
香港尖沙咀梳士巴利道3號 | 星光行2樓及3樓,星光城
週一~週日 10:00 – 22:00
週日-週四 10:00-22:00
週五-週六及假日前夕 10:00-23:00
香港太古城道18號太古城中心G/F 74鋪及1/F 144鋪
週一~週日 10:00 – 22:00
Exhibition venues:
Ame Gallery – artisan contemporary jewewellery
17/F Tin On Shing Comm.Bldg, 41-43 Graham St, Central
Tue - Sat 13:00 – 20:00
Tel: 3564 8066 Email: info@ame-gallery.com
Obellery contemporary jewellery studio
Shop H311 , PMQ, 35 Aberdeen St, Central
Mon – Sun 11:00 – 20:00
Tel:2155 2149 Email: info@obellery.com
Eslite Bookshop
Eslite TST branch
2 - 3 /F, Star, Star City,3 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Mon - Sun 10:00 – 22:00
Eslite Causeway Bay branch
8-10/F Hysan Place, 500 Henessy Road, Causeway Bay
Sun - Thu 10:00-22:00
Fri, Sat and public holiday eve 10:00-23:00
Eslite Taikoo branch
G/F shop 74 & 1/F Shop 144, Cityplaza, 18 Taikoo Shing Road, Quarry Bay
Mon - Sun 10:00 – 22:00